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buildthware.bat 433B

  1. @ECHO OFF
  2. set tomcat_path=F:\MySql开发工具\apache-tomcat-8.0.53
  3. set out_path=C:\thware
  4. set vue_path=F:\work\gitWare\vue
  5. set web_path=F:\work\gitWare\web
  6. echo 删除输出路径下dist和war
  7. rd/s/q %out_path%\dist
  8. del/f/s/q %out_path%\thware.war
  9. echo 跳至vue路径下
  10. cd %vue_path%
  11. echo 打包vue程序
  12. call cnpm run build
  13. echo 跳至web路径下
  14. cd %web_path%
  15. echo 打包web程序
  16. call mvn clean -Pproduction
  17. call mvn package -Pproduction
  18. pause